Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Trashy TV

Everyone watches crappy TV shows, whether its Rock Of Love, The Bachelor, or even Jerry Springer, we all watch programs that we know are garbage. In case you don't know I am not a psychologist and I don't care to analyze why people watch these shows, but it is an interesting phenomenon nonetheless. I am guilty of watching the Housewives of New Jersey (along with the NYC, Orange County, and Atlanta casts.) I love this show, you can call me whatever you want but this is great TV. These people are some of the biggest dolts I have ever seen, but their feeling of entitlement and "me first" attitude is priceless. A prime example of this is "The Countess," from the New York season. She was some model from Connecticut who married a random French Count, now she thinks she is the Queen of England.
My favorite cast is from Orange County, they are the most attractive and the least depressing to watch. I think its great how big of a douche bag Shane Keough is, and how his mother lets him treat her like crap, he is certainly an obnoxious SOB. I also find Vicki's insanely low self esteem to be pretty sad yet comical as well. She needs to be told she is loved about 500 times a day and hounds her kids about this to the point where they can't stand her.
I found the New York and Atlanta casts to be very weak, Atlanta especially since these women don't really work and were not particularly bright. It still escapes me why they need personal assistants when all they do all day is go to the spa and then plan a benefit dinner once every 5 months. The token gay male friend is getting pretty old as well, they treat these guys like accessories rather than people, its very lame.
The current New Jersey cast is god awful. Granted all of the cast members from each season are horrible people, (some worse than other,) but the Jersey group is particularly heinous. These women and their families, including the little girls who are repulsive brats, are sickening and portray the worst Garden State stereotypes. The overbearing Italian family with mafia overtones, gaudy jewelry, too much makeup, and bad accents. I think Obama said it best, "you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig," that basically sums up the NJ wives. The finale last night was insanely stupid and horribly scripted. All of the wives and their families go to dinner and the biggest whore of the bunch Danielle, walks into the restaurant. She just happens to be carrying a book that details her criminal past, and that has been the source of much strife throughout the show. She decides to put the book down in the middle of the table during the meal (with no coercion from the shows producer of course.) All hell breaks loose, again totally not scripted wink wink.
I was happy to see the NJ cast hit the road, hopefully never to be heard from again. Another interesting tidbit, this season was comprised of only 5 or 6 episodes, making this one of the shortest series ever. If this is the best Bravo can come up with I think I'll be passing on the next bunch of housewives and returning to the gold standard of trashy TV....COPS!

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